Saturday, September 01, 2012

Mitt Romney Ridicules President Obama for Wanting to Stop the Oceans from Rising

"President Obama promised to slow the rise of the oceans and to heal the planet. My promise is to help you and your family."---Mitt Romney

The Republican candidate for President Mitt Romney ridiculed President Obama for his concerns about climate change and rising seas. 

Mocking President Obama for his supposed hubris, Mitt Romney made this really sick, insensitive "joke" just at a time when Americans are being ruined by droughts, derechos, and Hurricane Isaac:

President Obama promised to slow the rise of the oceans and to heal the planet. My promise is to help you and your family.

The persecuted climate scientist Dr. Michael Mann (8-31-12) observed:

How sad it is to witness such fallacious logic from a major party candidate for president...If we do not take the necessary actions to combat climate change now, we will of course be leaving our children and grandchildren the legacy of a degraded planet.

Four years ago, I voted Republican, but I think that Obama has done a good job with the financial mess he inherited from the Republicans. I am going to vote for President Obama and the Democrats because the President wants to protect our planet so we can continue to live on it. Twit Romney and the Republican party are nothing but mouthpieces of the fossil fuel interests. How I despise them!

It's funny that the "religious" Romney mocks President Obama for promising to slow the rise of the oceans.  After all, according to the Bible, Moses rolled back the sea and the Israelites escaped from Pharaoh's army. I don't really believe in magic, but perhaps the prophet Moses knew a few things about geography, and that's why he saved his people. Romney just told the whole world that he is no Moses and that he can't roll back the rising seas. I think I am going to vote for President Obama because he has some scientific ideas about how we might slow the rise of the seas and save our people.


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